Saturday, 11 June 2011

Vomit Phobia- How To Treat Your Fear Of Sick

Do you fear vomiting? If so, you may be suffering from Emetophobia or Vomit Phobia, a debilitating anxiety disorder that can totally destroy daily life. Emetophobia is the name given to the condition of people who fear vomiting, fear sick itself or fear being near to people who are vomiting.

It is so serious that it can cause panic attacks and the need to be isolated socially, because the fear totally takes over life. How the sufferer deals with the situation may  vary from stopping going out, stop eating or eating tiny portions, avoiding hospitals or those who might be sick.

You may recognise some of the following signs of an emetophobia sufferer:

-          panic attacks when close to someone that is ill
-          being anxious when using public transport
-          avoiding events when meals are involved
-          staying away from medical centres and hospitals

What causes emetophobia is not known, but the majority of medical practicioners have concluded that it originates from some form of traumatic experience involving vomiting at an early age.

The treatment may consist of trauma therapy, hypnosis and anxiety therapy, all with the intention of altering the sufferers thinking relating to vomiting. Anti-anxiety medication may also be used.

Emetophobia is a serious condition, ruining almost every day for those that fear vomiting. But these fears can be faced and altered.

With the combination of effort and the appropriate therapy, the fear of sick and to fear vomiting will be overcome.

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